Noë Flatreaud

[EN] Assange is Free !

It is with great joy that I learn of the release of Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, after five long years of imprisonment in the United Kingdom. This news marks not only the end of an unbearable trial for Assange and those close to him, but also a victory for press freedom and transparency.

Assange was prosecuted for his role in the disclosure of hundreds of thousands of confidential documents. However, thanks to a guilty plea agreement with the US justice system, he has been released and will have to appear before a federal court in the Mariana Islands. He is expected to plead guilty and be sentenced to 62 months in prison, a sentence already served during his pre-trial detention in London.

This decision has been greeted with relief and joy by those close to Assange. His mother, Christine Assange, expressed her gratitude for the end of her son's "ordeal", while his wife, Stella, expressed her "immense gratitude" to those who rallied for his release. Even the Australian government commented on the decision, saying that the case had "dragged on for too long".

The WikiLeaks X account also welcomed the release, describing it as the result of a global campaign involving press freedom activists, legislators and leaders from all walks of life.

Assange risked his freedom to reveal truths that some wanted to keep secret. His release today is a victory for all those who believe in transparency, justice and the power of information.

I eagerly await the formal conclusion of this agreement, scheduled for 11pm on Tuesday, 25th of June.

#cypherpunks #freeassange #privacy #wikileaks